Lefèvre's Upper Case

  A    B    C    D    E    F    G   ABCDEFG
ÉÈÊAEOE;W   ffl    AE  OE  W  Ç R/    !   
àèìòù(Ç fl§[V/?
"oUJjer ffëïü   

This French layout is that of Lefèvre: Recueil complet d'impositions, exécutées en caractères mobiles, suivi d'une nouvelle classification de la casse française (1838) shown in Audin: Histoire de l'imprimerie par l'image (1929). It differs from another Lefèvre Upper case, shown in the same book, as there the capitals go from bottom up, not top down. It also differs from Lefèvre's later Haut de Casse of 1880 where AE OE È etc go on the right.

Lefèvre's equivalent Lower is Bas de Casse as in 1880, except for altering w and ffi. The empty Upper case is that of Moxon ((1683) and Diderot (1751), Mackellar (1885), Stephenson Blake (1922) et al.

The boxes with A,B, etc are for small caps, and with o are for superiors. R/ is Response and V/ is Versicle.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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Quantities in a fount of typeQuantities in a case of type
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This page was written in 2013 by David Bolton and last updated 16 August 2013.