Einteilung des Frakturkastens

   A     B     C      D     E     F     G      H     I     K  
ÄÖÜ tzß|täöü §¦ --
ckl p, 
 chllca edfffifl 

This (possibly) Austrian typecase lay is in Niel, Satztechnisches Taschen-Lexikon, 1925 (Wien). It differs slightly from the Fraktur case of Bauer (1917), and has two more boxes. The types are Fraktur, and not Roman as shown here. The box with -- is for em dash and ¦ is for a dagger. The | is a long s and s represents etc. Spacing (Ausschluß) is normally em=Gevierte, en=Halbgevierte, then 3pt, 2pt, 1½pt and 1pt, but is not shown by Niel.

The empty case is Fraktur.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 2006 by David Bolton and last updated 31 March 2006.