Modern English Upper Case

  â    ê    î    ô    û    ¶    ¦¦   1234567
áéíóú||¦ 890    
àèìòù§* äëïöü Hair
XYZÆOEUJ   X    Y    Z    Æ  OE   U    J  

This layout is given by Lawrence Wallis, A Short History of the English Case Lay, in Print in Britain (Nov 1959) as representative of the lay of the upper case in general use at the time, allowing for local differences. Wallis shows numerals in the upper case, but in Tarr's version (of 1945), for example, the numerals are in the lower case. Whilst Wallis's case makes no provision for fractions, it does separate out all the accented letters. The ffl and ffi ligatures are in the lower case, as are ae and oe. However, hair spaces are in the upper case, as they are infrequently used.

Note that the boxes with A, etc are for small caps. The box for ¦ is a single dagger, and for ¦¦ a double dagger.

The companion lower case is Modern Lower. The empty configuration is that of Moxon (1683), and Smith (1755), Luckombe (1771), Stower (1808), Miller & Richard (1873), Southward (1882), Mackellar (1885), Barnhart Bros & Spindler's News (1890s), Stephenson Blake & Co (1922), Caslon (1925) etc.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
Full Index of layoutsGlossary of terms usedSources of the layoutsIntroduction
Quantities in a fount of typeQuantities in a case of type
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and Double Cases
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This page was written in 2004 by David Bolton and last updated 20 February 2004.