Haut de Casse

AEOEÇQ098     V/R/¦
1234567 AEOEÇQ§[ ]*
  A    B    C    D    E    F    G     A     B     C     D     E     F     G   

This Polish layout is shown by Lefevre: Guide Pratique du Compositeur d'Imprimerie (1880), and the companion Lower is Lefevre. Ç Q AE and OE are not used in Polish, but included by Lefevre in the lay for the occasional words in French or Latin. Lefevre suggested the empty boxes be used for the various superiors that may be required. As these were rarely cast (in France), he recommended substituting the superiors with suitable characters from a fount of a much smaller size.

The boxes with A,B, etc are for small caps. Those with A, etc. represent letters with an ogonek (not cedilla as shown), and S´ etc. are letters with an acute. Z· represents Z with a dot above, and L- is a barred L. The box with V/ and R/ are for Versicle and Response and with ¦ is for a single dagger.

The empty case configuration is the traditional Upper of Moxon (1683), Diderot (1751), Smith (1755), Luckombe (1771), Stower (1808), Savage (1841), Mackellar (1870), Southward (1887), Barnhart Bros & Spindler's News (1890s), Stephenson Blake & Co (1922), etc.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
Full Index of layoutsGlossary of terms usedSources of the layoutsIntroduction
Quantities in a fount of typeQuantities in a case of type
Notes about Job
and Double Cases
Notes about Upper casesNotes about Lower casesAlembic home page

This page was written in 2006 by David Bolton and last updated 8 March 2006.