Dutch Three Quarter Case

 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  ***** âêîôû   
HIKLMNO       äëïöü ([
PQRSTVW 12345 áéíóú !?
XYZJU--    67890 àèìòù ;-
&bkde wijfghj:
çc s 1pt2pt
qlmn opfffien
zi fl4ptem
yvut3pt ar,.quads

This Dutch typecase lay is in use at In De Bonnfant, in the Netherlands, in 2004. It measures 53cm x 83cm. The J and U are shown in their traditional place, but in modern times would be moved to the end of the row. The ij ligature is sometimes placed where the 1½pt spacing is. The boxes marked * are those used traditionally for ff fi fl when ffi and ffl are also in use. The empty case is shown as Three Quarter.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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Quantities in a fount of typeQuantities in a case of type
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This page was written in 2004 by David Bolton and last updated 12 December 2021.