Hebrew Typelays by Southward

Hebrew Upper Case The layout of Hebrew letters with masoretic points, as shown by Southward, Practical Printing 1887, using a standard (English) Upper case to hold the type.

There are variants in the construction of Upper cases, and there are also variants in the distribution (lay) of the Hebrew characters, see eg Hamilton/ATF of 1923.
Note that an Upper case is normally paired with its companion Lower case, and shelved one above the other in the frame. See the links below for other case styles.
Hebrew Lower Case
The layout of the normal Hebrew characters, plus loose points and spacing, as shown by Southward, Practical Printing 1887, using a standard (English) Lower case to hold the type.

There are other layouts for these characters, eg Hamilton/ATF of 1923, and there are variants in the construction of ordinary Lower cases.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
Full Index of layoutsGlossary of terms usedSources of the layoutsIntroduction
Quantities in a fount of typeQuantities in a case of type
Notes about Job
and Double Cases
Notes about Upper casesNotes about Lower casesAlembic home page

This page was written in 1998 by David Bolton and last updated 30 January 98.