Stower Lower Case No.2

&aeoejke ,w-!?
bcd isf g;
lmnh oypenem.
vu    t     space     a        r     quads x 

This English lay is the No.2 Lower, following Lord Stanhope, as given in Stower, The Printer's Grammar (1808), reprinted Gregg (1965). This case construction has 40 boxes, but Johnson (1824) gives a very different version of Stanhope's case, with 43 boxes and the extra ligatures. Note that a normal Lower, eg Johnson New, has 53 boxes.

The companion Upper case is Stower Upper No.2.

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ie with the boxes left blank
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ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 1998 by David Bolton and last updated 23 November 2008.