Times Office Lower Case

( )[ ]aeoekje thin'?!;fl...
&bcd isf gff 
ffllmnh oyp,wenem
zv    u        t    thick    a        r     q:quads

This English typecase lay is that given in Southward: Practical Printing (1882 and 2nd ed 1884 and 3rd ed 1887 but not 5th ed 1900), as the lay used by the Times newspaper. The equivalent upper is the Times Upper lay. The lay is not very different to the New Lower of Johnson in 1824, except that the Times have replaced em dash with ( and ' with k and mids with thins and ( with ' and moved fl ff fi across one box, filling the gap with .. and em dash. Southward also gives an Old lay, a Improved lay, a provincial News lay, and an American lay.

The empty configuration is shown as Lower case.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 1997 by David Bolton and last updated 16 April 2009.