Edinburgh Lower Case

 'kge 12345678
zbcd isf w90
j;( )
ylmnh op,thinfienem
 q  v     u        t     thick     a        r     .thinquads

This Scottish lay is that given by Savage: Dictionary of the Art of Printing (1841, reprinted Thoemmes 1998). The later lay given in Chambers Encyclopaedia (1891) is almost the same, apart from the arrangement of ff fi . and the spacing. The Upper Case lay is Edinburgh and the empty Lower configuration is Scottish Lower

Note the Scottish case has, in the top row, two wide k and g boxes, whereas the English Lower has four smaller boxes. Also in the 4th (or 3rd main) row, there is a single y box, and there are four boxes where w and , go in the English case.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 1998 by David Bolton and last updated 20 November 2008.