New Zealand California Job Case

 ( )  ?   ff  Qu   k    j       e        '    $    1    2    3    4    5    6    fi ffifl Æ  Œ  æ  œ  
  bcdis fg78ABCDEFG 
 !lmnhoypw, enem 
  x   vu tspacesar  ;  : quad 
 q.- X  Y  Z  U  J  & ffl 

This layout is used by The Printing Works at Cobblestones Early Settlers' Museum, Greytown, New Zealand in 2015. Although the position of the numerals does not follow U.S. practice, the & ffl bottom right and ? ! z x q down left hand side are the normal U.S. practice, e.g. Hamilton (1932). The Æ Œ æ and œ are also the same, although $ ffi and fl are placed differently. The w , follow, although the original of this lay had , w in the U.K. style. However, the numerals follow the U.K. double case practice, for example Whetton (1946, 1965) and also Melbourne Museum of Printing or Western Australian Education Department, although the case is the U.S. style case with two boxes above the i box. Some cases at Cobblestones originally came with w next to the $, and this also occured with some cases in Dunedin. There, y was also originally in the top row, rather similar to the cases at New Norcia in Western Australia.

The empty case is Polk 1926.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
Full Index of layoutsGlossary of terms usedSources of the layoutsIntroduction
Quantities in a fount of typeQuantities in a case of type
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and Double Cases
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This page was written in 2015 by David Bolton and last updated 11 March 2015.