'Castillon' Upper Case

 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  ABCDEFGH
áéíóúUÇ|l  ffl  É  È  Ê       ¶   [ ]   !  
àèìòù V/R/ fläëïõü( )?
¹°²³,,ct|tft ffëïü§¦j*

This French lay is shown by Castillon: L'Art de l'imprimerie dans sa veritable intelligence (1783), in Gaskell et al: "An annotated list of printers'manuals to 1850", Journal of the Printing Historical Society no. 4 (1968), and as illustrated in a Smithsonian Institution leaflet (1972). The two bays have 8 boxes in each row, unlike Diderot's and normal Upper cases, which have only 7 boxes. The equivalent lower case is Castillon Lower and the empty case is Castillon Upper.

The boxes with A,B, etc are for small caps, and those with | have the long s ligature. The ¦ represents a single dagger, V/ is Versicle and R/ is Response. ¹ should be superscript c, ² is superscript r and ³ is superscript s. The five accented letters ã etc may be incorrect, and the È &È etc., are assumed, as the source illustration is indistinct.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 1997 by David Bolton and last updated 13 November 2008.