Nederduitsche Onderkas

 bkde   w  fghj:
ij  v      u        t      spacien      a         r       ,    .  cadrat

This Dutch typelay is shown by van Cleef: Handboek ter beoefening der boekdrukkunst in Nederland (1844). It is the same as that of van der Veen: De Verbeterde Nederlandsche Letterkast (1852) except that he omits the :, and it is fairly similar to that of Zweijgardt (1822) but with ij and without long s and ct, for example. The companion upper case is Bovenkas. The empty case is Onderkas No.2.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 2008 by David Bolton and last updated 12 November 2008.