Empty Italian Lower Case


This Italian typecase configuration corresponds to the layout of Pozzoli: Nuovo Manuale di Tipografia (1882) in Gaskell: The Lay of the Case, in Bowers: Studies in Bibliography Vol. 22 (1969). It is also shown by Lockwood: American Dictionary of Printing and Bookmaking (1894). The companion Upper case is Pozzoli or Lockwood.

The case has 54 boxes, as does a U.S. Lower, although the English Lower has only 53 boxes. The actual lay of the type is Italian Lower or Lockwood. Lockwood notes that the Italian Lower and Upper are separate cases, and the Upper is some 5/8 as high as the lower. In later years, the cases become combined, possibly as shown by Enciclopedia Italiana, 1937, and certainly by Hostettler in 1963.

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ie with the boxes left blank
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This page was written in 1998 by David Bolton and last updated 27 December 01.