German Single Case

   A     B     C      D     E     F     G      H     I     K  

This lay is shown by Hostettler: Technical Terms of the Printing Industry (1949, and still in 4th rev ed 1963) as being the German/Swiss lay used by Zollikofer & Co AG for the German (ie Fraktur) alphabet. It is also shown, as a German lay, by Gaskell, The Lay of the Case, in Bowers, Studies in Bibliography Vol 22 (1969). The types are Fraktur, and not Latin as shown here. The lay and configuration is slightly different to the Fraktur case of Bauer: Handbuch für Schriftsetzer (1920) and Gebrochene Schriften of Druckladen des Gutenberg-Museums (1997).

The box with --- is em rule (Geviertgedankenstrich) and -- en rule (Halbgeviertgedankenstrich) and ¦ is a single dagger. The | is a long s and the ¿ represents the alternative form of &. Spacing is Gevierte (em), Halbgevierte (en), Drittelspatien (4pt or 1/3p), Viertelspatien (3pt or ¼p), Starke (2pt and 1½pt) and Haarspatien (1pt). The empty case is German Single.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 1998 by David Bolton and last updated 27 March 2006.