Empty 'Castillon' Upper Case


This French typecase matches that of Castillon: L'Art de l'imprimerie dans sa veritable intelligence (1783), in Gaskell et al: "An annotated list of printers' manuals to 1850", Journal of the Printing Historical Society no. 4 (1968). It is also shown in Audin: Histoire de l'Imprimerie par l'Image (1929), called La Lyonnaise. The two bays have 8 boxes in each row (i.e. a total of 112 boxes), unlike the case of Moxon, Diderot, et al., which has only 7 boxes each side (and a total of 98 boxes). The equivalent lower case is Castillon or Diderot Lower and the lay of the Upper is Castillon Upper or La Lyonnaise.

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This page was written in 1997 by David Bolton and last updated 2 August 2013.